Press Releases - 2024
Josiah Institute for Leadership & Public Policy Offers Leadership Program for Political Aspirants & Civil Society Organizations Leaders

For Immediate Release - February 4th, 2024
Coming on the heels of the nation reeling from high crime, Murder, Judicial Activism, and two Members of Parliament charged before the courts on Criminal charges; the Bahamas’ Josiah Institute for Leadership and Public Policy is set to launch its Premier Certification Program, after more than five years on the shelf. The Certification Program was designed specifically for the training and familiarization of political aspirants and those persons seeking to lead in the nation.
The Leadership Development : Interaction & Decision Making ( LD-ID) Program, is meant to bring its participants to a place of greater knowledge and awareness of the responsibilities of Politicians, Legislators and national leaders, both elected and appointed; and to make ready political candidates for public office, despite what political parties they are affiliated with.
The core content of the LD:ID Program is based on the Preamble of the Constitution, the Constitution itself, the Parliamentary & Elections Act, Codes of Ethics and Morality in leadership; policies and laws relating to Financial Accounting responsibility of Parliamentarians including Public Disclosure and the role of the Auditor General in Government operations.
The LDID Program is being offered during the Spring a as a six (6) week (24 Instructional Hours) Program. The Program is being offered Tuition-Free, as a gift to participants, in light of the Moral and Leadership crisis being experienced in the nation, and the need to develop authentic new leaders.
The program, which will mainly be hosted online via the Zoom platform will also have limited in-person sessions for hands-on exposure for some participants. In addition to the 24 Instructional Hours, a Research Paper on a Current Issue will be Required by each participant; and a Litmus Test will be given to political aspirants. Additionally, a one week optional PRACTICUM in Washington DC, will be offered to participants for an additional Certificate in conjunction with an International Educational Institution. The Practicum will be a 5-day Exercise, with a combination of site visits to International Institutions in Washington, DC including the US Congress; and Classroom Instructions at the Institution.
The book, “How to Reconstruct A Nation : Righteous Principles for National Leadership & Governance”, written by S. Ali McIntosh, experienced Statesman and political activist, will be used as the primary reference and source of instruction. Ms. McIntosh, who serves as Chairman of the Josiah Institute, will be the Course Director and the lead presenter, along with other qualified lecturers and guest presenters; who will also be available should students require one on one support during the course. The President, Dr. Sandra Smith, Research, Public Policy and Educational expert will be lecturing on Research Methodology, instructing persons on the principles of academic research in preparation for writing their academic/research paper.
The Program will run from February 12th - March 21st, with two weekly sessions, Mondays and Thursdays from 5-7 pm each evening. Participants wishing to take advantage of this powerful opportunity are invited to sign up quickly as seats are limited.
For Contact
Josiah Institute Media -
Dr. Sandra Smith, President - Tel 242- 449-4169
Elder S Ali McIntosh, Chairman - 242- 524-1798
Josiah Institute Authors’ Symposium Series (5) five will Discuss the Church’s Influence in Government Policy - Tonight 12-12-2022
For Immediate Release - December 12th 2022
The Josiah Institute for Leadership & Public Policy (Bahamas) will host the fifth (5th) in the year-long Panel discussion Series, Celebrating the Bahamas’ Golden Jubilee - 50 years as an Independent Bahamas! Under the theme, ‘How To Reconstruct a Nation - Countdown to Jubilee’ the distinguished Authors’ Symposium will be conducted monthly until Monday, July 3rd 2023. The Series was officially launched on Sunday, July 3rd 2022.
Tonight, Monday, December 12th at 7 pm, the topic of Series five will be, “What should be the Church’s influence in the creation of government policies and legislation?” During the evening’s event, the Hosts, Chairs and Panelists will go deep on the issue, and bring out the facts on the role the Church should play in the creation of Government policy; while examining some of the established protocols for the Church involvement in the Legislative process.
Some of the more pertinent questions that people want answers to as we look at matters such as the Oban Scandal to the latest Saga of FTX and its Crypto currency debacle; ‘Who is advising the Government on these ventures? Should the Government get advice from all sectors? Should the church advise the government on its overall policy agenda?
The program line-up will include, the Keynote Panelist former Member of Parliament (2002) and former Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Mrs. Veronica Owens; Special Assistant to the President of the Bahamas Christian Council, Rev. Dr. Roslyn Astwood; Apostle Joseph Cox; Apostle Clement Russell; the JI Q & A Chair, former Strategic Policy Advisor to the Government, Mrs. Willamae Stuart; and the Symposium Program Chair Dr. Antoinette Pinder-Darling, UB Deputy Librarian & Lecturer, who will Chair the Session. The Hosts for the discussion are former Journalist& Broadcaster, & Author, Politician, and Chairman of the Board of the Josiah Institute, S Ali McIntosh; and Author and President of The Grace Centre, Pastor Glen Rolle.
The Symposium will be hosted live on the Zoom platform and streamed live on Facebook. Bahamians from all walks of life are invited especially Bahamians overseas, who love to see their nation prosperous into the future. You want to join us on our Zoom platform, and bring your questions and comments. Invite your friends and family to hear this discussion, as we continue our series for the Reconstruction of the nation in Jubilee. Join us on Facebook Live and YouTube at 7 pm Monday December 12th.
For Immediate Release
For Contact - /
JI Acting Executive Director - Pastor Dione Pratt
JI Chairman, Elder S Ali McIntosh
The Josiah Institute for Leadership & Public Policy (Bahamas) will host the fifth (5th) in the year-long Panel discussion Series, Celebrating the Bahamas’ Golden Jubilee - 50 years as an Independent Bahamas! Under the theme, ‘How To Reconstruct a Nation - Countdown to Jubilee’ the distinguished Authors’ Symposium will be conducted monthly until Monday, July 3rd 2023. The Series was officially launched on Sunday, July 3rd 2022.
Tonight, Monday, December 12th at 7 pm, the topic of Series five will be, “What should be the Church’s influence in the creation of government policies and legislation?” During the evening’s event, the Hosts, Chairs and Panelists will go deep on the issue, and bring out the facts on the role the Church should play in the creation of Government policy; while examining some of the established protocols for the Church involvement in the Legislative process.
Some of the more pertinent questions that people want answers to as we look at matters such as the Oban Scandal to the latest Saga of FTX and its Crypto currency debacle; ‘Who is advising the Government on these ventures? Should the Government get advice from all sectors? Should the church advise the government on its overall policy agenda?
The program line-up will include, the Keynote Panelist former Member of Parliament (2002) and former Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Mrs. Veronica Owens; Special Assistant to the President of the Bahamas Christian Council, Rev. Dr. Roslyn Astwood; Apostle Joseph Cox; Apostle Clement Russell; the JI Q & A Chair, former Strategic Policy Advisor to the Government, Mrs. Willamae Stuart; and the Symposium Program Chair Dr. Antoinette Pinder-Darling, UB Deputy Librarian & Lecturer, who will Chair the Session. The Hosts for the discussion are former Journalist& Broadcaster, & Author, Politician, and Chairman of the Board of the Josiah Institute, S Ali McIntosh; and Author and President of The Grace Centre, Pastor Glen Rolle.
The Symposium will be hosted live on the Zoom platform and streamed live on Facebook. Bahamians from all walks of life are invited especially Bahamians overseas, who love to see their nation prosperous into the future. You want to join us on our Zoom platform, and bring your questions and comments. Invite your friends and family to hear this discussion, as we continue our series for the Reconstruction of the nation in Jubilee. Join us on Facebook Live and YouTube at 7 pm Monday December 12th.
For Immediate Release
For Contact - /
JI Acting Executive Director - Pastor Dione Pratt
JI Chairman, Elder S Ali McIntosh
The Bahamas’ First 1st Public Policy Institute Established

For Immediate Release - September 5th 2018
A Press Statement released earlier today by
S. Ali McIntosh, at a Press Conference at the SAM & Associates Office with officials from the Josiah Institute for Leadership & Public Policy (Bahamas /USA)
Photo : From Lt to Rt
Willamae Stuart, JI Dean of Faculty; Wellington C Roberts, JI Marketing Representative; S. Ali McIntosh, JI Founder and Chairman of Board of Directors & Governance; Dr Sandra Smith, JI President; Dr Agnes Glinton, JI VP for Advising.
The Bahamas’ first Public Policy Institute, the Josiah Institute for Leadership and Public Policy has been established with the signing and declaring of its official Charter on August 8th 2018.
The official Charter, which speaks to the History, Objectives and Core Values is located on our website at www.theJosiahInstitute.Com.
We are inviting persons to go online the website for other pertinent information about the Institute including the list of the Board of Directors, the Advisory Board and Faculty .
As the Founder of the Institute, and Chairman of The Board, I am pleased to announce this historic establishment, and introduce The Josiah Institute’s twenty-seven (27) member team, located across four cities in three states in the United States of America, and on five islands across The Commonwealth of The Bahamas. They were officially installed on August 8th, when the organization’s Charter for Josiah Institute ( Bahamas/USA) was declared and signed.
I am proud to announce and introduce to the Bahamas, the President of Josiah Institute for Leadership & Public Policy (Bahamas / USA), Dr. Sandra Smith, a Ph.D, in Organizational Leadership and Human Services. She is a veteran Health Care professional, an Ordained Minister, a Certified John Maxwell Coach and Trainer, with experience in Public Policy Researcher, Strategic Planning and Administration.
The Josiah Institute for Leadership & Public Policy, a Tertiary level Institute, shall provide Graduate studies, and Doctoral research findings for the general public, the government and work in conjunction with similar academic Institutions; and will offer Certificate courses in Leadership Development for private and public sector managers and leaders. The highly accredited Public Policy and Public administration doctoral institution, American University in Washington, DC, is the Academic networking partner for the Josiah Institute in offering Graduate level studies in Leadership Development and Public Policy and Public Administration development.
We are also here to announce the launch of the Fall 2018 Distinguished Seminar series, a Graduate level workshop Series, called ‘Leadership in 3-D : Development, Interaction and Decision-Making’ .
This Distinguished three part Seminar /Workshop Series is opened to both Public Sector employees in various management levels, and private sector practitioners; in addition to Community leaders seeking to advance their opportunity for leading people and managing change and effectiveness in their workplace or organizations. These sessions will take place on October 22nd-25th; November 26th—29th, and December 17th-20th. (More Info is available online our website. )
All three Workshops will be certified by American University, with AU School of Public Affairs Professors teaching the majority of the sessions on innovative leadership development and assessment skills; and the Josiah Institute Lecturers facilitating its own daily sessions on the local Public Service and Constitutional Core Values for good governance.
The Fall Distinguished Seminar series will be the launching pad for the myriad of Leadership development Programs that the Josiah Institute will facilitate beginning in Spring 2019, through the AU School of Public Affairs, and its own local LD-ID Program for Community Leaders in various disciple including Civil Society, Non-Profit and Non-government organizations, Unions, Local Government and elected Political practitioners.
Finally, on Monday October 22nd, the Ceremony for the launch of the Fall 2018 Distinguish Seminar Series will double as an official launch ceremony of the Josiah Institute for leadership; when JI officials, and invited government official is expected to be present, including Dr. Robert Tobias, American University Distinguish Practitioner in Residence for the Department of Public Administration and the School of Public Affairs in Washington, DC.
The launch ceremony will be open to the public, and those attending and registered for the Seminar series. Final details for the time and location of that ceremony is still be finalized.
S. Ali McIntosh
Chairman, Board of Directors & Governance
Copyright 2024 - The Josiah Institute for Leadership & Public Policy (Bahamas)